Gartner references Anycommerce by ChapsVision as OMS solution



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Gartner references Anycommerce by ChapsVision as OMS solution

In 2021 Gartner's Market Guide for Retail awards Anycommerce by ChapsVision as one of the best OMS solutions.

Designed to support retailers in the strategic choice of rolling out an OMS, the Gartner study is a real decision-support tool to meet the challenges of the supply chain and order management.

Highlighting the strategic importance of the Order Management System, Gartner specifies that order management is based on the unification of stocks (Stock Management System) and the optimization of order flows (Distributed Order Management).

Thanks to the Picking solution and booking engine modules, the OMS addresses the omnichannel needs of consumers such as home delivery, express delivery or Click and Collect.

To be selected by Gartner means to meet demanding criteria:

- Validate strong customer references

- Be cited by Gartner customers

- Defend a clear and established market positioning

- Orchestrate complex order flows

- Offer continuous updates

- Offer a simple and efficient integration of the solution


Identified among the world leaders, Anycommerce by ChapsVision offers a complete unified commerce solution that allows it to support the famous names in distribution in their omnichannel strategy.

With more than 80 references, Anycommerce by ChapsVision's SaaS solution is focused on flexibility, agility and people.

In detail, our solution is designed to meet the needs of retailers relating to:

Monitoring: Profitability monitoring, identification of best sellers, performance monitoring of points of sale, management of peak orders, ...

Points of sale: stock location, identification of available references, order preparation, checkout management, etc.

Warehouses: management of supplies, optimization of returns management, identification of available references, etc.

By meeting the needs of retailers, the Anycommerce by ChapsVision solution addresses the expectations of end consumers:

  • Quick access to available products depending on the distribution channel
  • Wide choice of delivery methods
  • A seamless omnichannel shopping experience

Anycommerce by ChapsVision's OMS expertise is relevant and already deployed in all distribution sectors: Food, DIY, Outdoor, Fashion, Luxury, Tourism, Travel, ...

Access to the Gartner Guide (paid access).

A propos de l'auteur

Anycommerce by ChapsVision accélère la transformation omnicanale des marques, des commerçants et de la logistique. Nous avons conçu une suite SaaS permettant aux grandes enseignes comme Carrefour, Decathlon ou Chronopost de gérer leur encaissement, les promotions, l'animation commerciale, les programmes de fidélisation et leur logistique. Anycommerce by ChapsVision permet aux enseignes de connecter leurs magasins avec leur site web ou application mobile et proposer de nouveaux services à leurs clients comme la livraison à domicile, le click & collect, la prise de rendez-vous, l'encaissement mobile ou la gestion des programmes de promotion et de fidélité. Cette suite applicative leur permet également de réaliser des économies sur leurs stocks, de fluidifier leurs commandes et de mieux valoriser leurs employés en magasin ou en entrepôt. - 100 enseignes équipées - plus de 80 milliards d’€ de transactions - 300 millions de consommateurs interagissent avec au moins une de nos solutions de notre suite.

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