Actualités du Commerce Unifié

Wynd acquires Symag

Rédigé par Wynd Team | 01/06/21



Welcome to the Symag team for this new chapter of Unified Commerce.

This acquisition allows Wynd to develop a unique omichannel software offering for Cash-in, Fulfillment and Customer Loyalty with a SaaS Platform based on API Microservices in Cloud Architecture.

Wynd's mission is to accelerate the Omnichannel Transformation of commerce by providing major retailers with the opportunity to unify customer journeys and sustain growth in the era of Digital Transformation.

A big thank you to the Wynd & Symag teams who participated in the transaction Gregory Bret Roxane Lacour Jean Lecomte Yassine EL KODADI Eric MARQUES DA SILVA Christophe Faurère Philippe CABON laurent BRAUNER Thomas AUDIBERT.

Thanks to BNP Paribas for this choice and to our partners on the transaction Matthieu Aublé Aublé & Associés Hervé Demoy PwC as well as other advisers involved White & Case LLP Sébastien Dray Apm - Cession, Fusion, Acquisition.
Thank you to our clients and investors for their continued trust Natixis Sodexo Orange.

Link to the article of LeFigaro: